Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cloud Seeding

Good evening.
The kids are headed to bed.  We have a really energetic bunch of kids this week.  
I don't have much else to say.
Mostly, I just wanted to put up these pictures.
Oh yeah!  Also, it has been raining a ton over the last several days.  In one 8 hour period, we could get as much rainfall as Walla Walla will typically get over its rainiest three months combined.  Thankfully, its referred to as acid rain.  If the kids get in it, it is guaranteed that their hair will fall out soon thereafter.  So we have to keep all of our outdoor activities indoors.  
The interesting thing about this rain, is that it is borderline artificial.  The reservoir that provides the population 8 million Taipei residents hydrated was getting low.  The rain was coming, but the government decided to step up the amount of rain that would fall from the clouds by 'seeding' them.  Basically, a plane flew above the clouds and inserted them with a chemical or something that caused ALL of the rain to fall FAST, HERE!  I think most of it would have typically flown out to the Pacific, but this kept as much of the rainfall within the country as possible.
I think.
I dunno, I'm obviously no scientist.  If you know more about cloud seeding than that, correct me.
But you don't have to.  That could be embarrassing to me.  But do it, because I kinda wanna know more about it.

Dressed for unicycle success.

We played Rebecca Black's Friday song for them on...Friday.

Preparing for an afternoon of football.


  1. Cloud seeding - that's so interesting! I've never heard of that. Rebecca Black, what a quality education they are getting :)

  2. but did you dance to rebecca black's friday? i danced for my students...

  3. Well seeds generally come from plants, so I think cloud seeding MUST be putting plant seeds into clouds. Pretty obvious when you think about.

  4. They ARE getting a quality education. Today, I introduced them to Danny MacAskill.
    We DID dance to Friday. We danced all around the cafeteria. And we are gonna do it again this Friday.
    Wow, Fletcher! You know very little about anything. Obviously.

  5. Danny MacAskill, that's much better :) I introduced him to my friends in Nepal too. So good.

  6. Found this when looking for info on Taiwan's cloud seeding schedule. Cloud seeding is "seeding" the clouds with a chemical that causes the sky to develop large cirrus clouds (basically a gray sky), which then causes rain or increases the rainfall. This is a common practice everywhere nowadays, and if you are unaware of it, your best source would be the conspiracy-theorists. Look up "chemtrails" with your region, and you may find more info on cloud seeding and the "depopulating" activity called chemtrails.
