Monday, April 18, 2011

Still doing things.

Life's going on here.  And life is going well.  I can kinda unicycle now.
The school building process is slow, but still happening.  We have a start date of May 2 regardless of whether or not the building is open.  I'll have this first week off, and I'll probably hang around here and relax and stuff for the week.
Really, nothing very new is going on.  We hang out with people.  We do things with people.  It rained hard on Sunday.  We play games on weekends.  We go to places.
Ryan made a few great videos the first few weeks, if you haven't seen them.  You can find them on my Facebook page.  Watch them.  They're more informative than what I am writing.
Oh, I'm probably gonna go to China in September and work there for the year after this project is done.  That's kinda borderline confirmed-ish now.
And we got paid yesterday.  Though it wasn't as high as I expected because about $150 goes to health insurance each month.  That seems steep.  But, hey!  I'm safe now.  Maybe.  I should do plastic surgery while on this deal.  What would make me look better?  A nose-job?
Anyway, tonight is pasta night.  The ravioli is delicious.  That's what I am looking forward to after work today.
Thanks for reading.  I know that was boring.  I'll strive to make life more exciting.  Probably.
Maybe I'll find some pictures to add...


  1. Not boring. I liked the bit about your insurance. Nice to SKYPE the other day! Emily

  2. That WAS nice. We should aim for that again. Thanks for reading, Emily. You think a nose job is the best way to insure my $150 is not wasted?

  3. Good to hear the update, Lance. Great that you have been able to experience the culture/country there fully it seems. Making memories. Your eggs do look strange! Hmmm...not sure I could do them. China...hope that works out. Another great adventure and work in the world. Go for it:) Joyce and Keith

  4. So fun to read about your "boring" life!! ENJOY!!! I saw in Ryan's video what Lisa did when you tried to put your arm around her, so I won't ask ya to give her a hug from us (haha)! Glad you all are having so much fun!

  5. Thanks, Wilkens. Honestly, I didn't eat that egg. Too far for me. But it may have been alright had I tried. Thanks for the well-wishes.
    And, Teresa, it isn't boring, but I just don't have a whole of substance to write about. I'll give Lisa a hug from you anyway...maybe not. We really are having a lot of fun, though.

  6. I just found your blog. I read the whole thing. It is soooo interesting. Loved catching up on all you are doing. Way too much fun. I hope you have gotten over the stress of the 6th grade trip. That sounded sooo fascinating. And keep putting up is fun to actually see what you are doing. I hope you love teaching and it comes soon!!
