Saturday, November 12, 2011

More pictures...

The boy in the doorway is giving away crumbs from the moon cake I gave him for good behavior.  The whole class is in line for these crumbs.  The second kid in line doesn't know the moon cake was originally a gift to me from his mother, but I am entirely unable to eat moon cake because it is bad food.

I tried to put on Melissa's awesome little jacket thing, but it didn't fit me.  So, I asked Sophy (my TA) kindly to try it on.  She did so, reluctantly.  But I really think she was stoked on the idea.  The jacket looked pretty good on her.

Ryan and I dressed up for Halloween.  We were scarier than we looked.  One boy saw me while walking down the stairs.  He screamed and ran back to the top.

This guy trimmed my toenails for me while my other foot was getting a massage.  He was really pretty impressive too.  All he used was the razor that is in his hand, and he never slipped or anything.  

We went to probably the most impressive circus I've ever seen.  This elephant was balancing on one leg on a stool and spinning in circles.

It's finally feeling cold enough to wear jackets and sweaters--but I'd like to dwell more on the date and time at the bottom.  

We were invited to a special art exhibit and were recruited by Jian Tan Kung Fu as special guests.

They dressed us in their fancy garb with gold pants and we were VIP.  Many cameras focused on us during the event.  It's a race thing--we weren't athletes.  Actually, the redhead is an athlete.  He does Kung Fu.

A man was shot out of a canon at the circus!